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  • Z & S Care Belina s.r.o.

    IČ: 07526440 / DIČ: CZ07526440 Turgeněvova 985/7, 618 00 Brno
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About us

Who is Zdrava Belina?
Zdravá Belina is a retail section in the Czech Republic for the Belina company.

Who is Z & S Care belina s.r.o?

It is a sales agency of Belina in Europe, which is engaged in the production of Aleppo soap. Due to the current situation in Syria, soap began to be produced in Turkey. Soap sales further spread from Turkey to Egypt and subsequently throughout Africa.

In 2019, ie 3 years after the company's co-owner moved to the Czech Republic, the European branch of Belina began trading not only in soap, but also in other quality products. Belina goods are currently sold in more than 23 countries, such as Canada and China.

Belina in the Czech Republic operates mainly wholesale and is the exclusive distributor of many brands, such as Molon Lave and Niki's good olive from Greece or Al-Ahlam from Syria. Due to the high demand for goods, we have newly established an e-shop for retail sales.

Certificates obtained by Belina:
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