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Cashew Natural 1 kg

Cashew Natural 1 kg
Cashew contain large amounts of protein (15.3 g in 100 g) and are a source of omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated acids that promote cardiovascular system of the body. Due to the high energy content (2576 kcal) and a fiber content (10 g in 100 g) is quick and great snacks that saturates. Cashew nuts are among the smallest fat (46.9 g in 100 g). They are used in the kitchen as the basis vegan raw cakes and alternatives for the preparation of cheese, raw, pallet, low-carbohydrate diets, and keto.
product ID
1 kg
Standard price: 595.13 Kč incl. VAT / ks, You save: 245.13 Kč incl. VAT / ks (41%)
304.35 Kč excl. VAT
350.00 KčPrice incl. VAT
out of stock

Ingredients: & nbsp; cashew

Origin: & nbsp; Vietnam

Storage & nbsp; Store at temperatures up to 18 ° C, relative humidity 60% and protected from sunlight.

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